Monday, 16 March 2015

New vs Old games journalism

Games journalism began in the same manner as most other journalism; very fact filled, focusing on the mechanics of a game and how it plays, and that's about it. By the early eighties, it had flipped to more magazine like proportions, with the majority of popular games journalism being both written and viewed by games' major market; young adults. 

After that there was a downturn in games journalism across the pond, but it stayed strong in Europe, and in the nineties came the internet. Once again, a new form of journalism arose, and journal articles on gaming were like streams of consciousness on screen, written by the same people that went on to become major gaming publications like IGN and PC Gamer. 

1 comment:

  1. We didn't look at New Games Journalism (definition; examples, etc) as the session was replaced when the module schedule was updated. If we had, however, one of the things we would have looked at would have been this blog post by Kieron Gillen:
